Hydraulic Accumulator

A hydraulic accumulator is a device in which potential energy is

stored in the form of a compressed gas or spring, or by a raised weight

to be used to exert a force against a relatively incompressible fluid.

They are used in fluid power systems to accumulate energy

and to smooth out pulsations. A hydraulic system utilizing an

accumulator can use a smaller fluid pump since the accumulator

stores energy from the pump during low demand periods. This energy

is available for instantaneous use, released upon demand at a rate

many times greater than could be supplied by the pump alone.

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Accumulators can also act as surge or pulsation absorbers,

much as an air dome is used on pulsating piston or rotary

pumps. They will cushion hydraulic hammer, reducing

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shocks caused by rapid operation or sudden starting and

stopping of power cylinders in a hydraulic circuit.